Streetscape Design
Playhouse District Design Plan
The Plan
In spite of being anchored by the Pasadena Playhouse, the Playhouse District was in serious need for revitalization and identity. Our Plan transformed the district into a vibrant, mixed-use area of arts, cultural and commercial activities, including theaters, galleries and museums, an outstanding local bookstore, and a wide variety of restaurants complemented and made possible by robust development of new housing and offices.
The Streetscape Plan provided unique thematic imagery that is appropriate for a theater district with landscape, street lighting, signage, public art, and street furniture design elements, giving it the needed identity before the long-term revitalization could occur. We advanced the vision for creating a system of paseos and courtyards throughout the district – a concept that captured the imagination of the city leaders, community and developers alike. This vision has now evidenced in the development of multiple commercial, residential and mixed-use development projects with publicly accessible paseos and courtyards that have become an integral part of the spatial experience of the Playhouse District.